
The Winchester Christian Academy preschool provides enriching academic, social, and spiritual training for children ages two through four in a two day per week program (Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday). Our goal is to aid in your child's academic, physical, and spiritual growth in a loving, Christian environment.

preschool girl holding dads hand walking to school
preschool boys playing
two girls playing together
preschool student

Student Life

Students in the Preschool Program attend chapel in Building A with the lower school students once each week. Children and families participate in school-wide special events such as the Family Picnic and Chili Cook-off. Parents and guardians are encouraged to get involved with our parent teacher organization, WCA Pride, to connect with other families and learn more about school events.

Preschool News & Announcements

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Senior High Formal - 9th 11th grade

March 7th - 9-11th grade students dismissed at 11:30am.

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Senior High Formal - 9th 11th grade

March 7th - 9-11th grade students dismissed at 11:30am.

Junior High Formal - 6-8th grade

February 28th - 6th-8th grade students dismissed at 11:30am.

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Junior High Formal - 6-8th grade

February 28th - 6th-8th grade students dismissed at 11:30am.

100th Day of School

January 22

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100th Day of School

January 22

School Tour

January 28

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School Tour

January 28

Spring Break
No School
Make Your Mark Dinner
Good Friday
No School
Last Day of School
8:00AM - 3:00PM
Professional Development
All Employees
8:00AM - 3:00PM
Preschool students at chapel

Preschool Tuition

We serve children ages two through four years old in a two-day per week program (Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday). Our curriculum offers high-quality experiences to foster academic, social, and spiritual growth. We model Christ’s love daily through teaching and example. Bible stories and scripture are taught daily, and children attend chapel one day a week. Optimal learning environments invite children’s participation through hands-on, experiential exploration using all five senses. Children learn best through interactions with other children and adults with the aid of educational materials in multiple, varied contexts. Age-appropriate centers that enhance auditory, visual, kinesthetic learning and fine and gross motor skills are taught.

All-star education focused on Christ

WCA strives to maintain an affordable tuition rate to our families. Our goal is to and has always been to provide an enriching, quality, Christ focused education to everyone. This is why we are transparent about our tuition and offer discounts to families with multiple children who enroll with us.

Preschool Schedule

Monday & Wednesday
8:30 am - 2:15 pm
2 year olds - 4 year olds
Tuesday & Thursday
8:30 am - 2:15 pm
2 year olds - 4 year olds

Have more than one student? See our discounted rates for families.

A 5% discount is given for full payment at the beginning of the school year. A 10% discount is given for families with multiple children. This discount is given to the 2nd and subsequent siblings.

Preschool Tuition
$220 month/$2,200 year
(based on 10 month school schedule)
*Non-refundable registration fee for preschool: $200 per child
Open Enrollment for NEW Students for the 2025-2026 school year will begin March 31, 2025.
Enroll In Preschool
Enrollment Requirements
Student Handbook
Everything you need to know for the upcoming year.

Student testimonials

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